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Summer 2 Term Scheme and Activities 

Performing and Analysing: Final Showcase Performance.

Concert Time!

 This term we are getting ready for a performance.

We will need to decide on which pieces we wish to include in our concert performance and why. These will make up the programme for the event.

When we rehearse, or practise, the pieces we have chosen, we need to be critical - but constructive! We will be listening to each other and improving on our performances.

We will need to think about the arrangements for our concert - 

  • Where is it to take place? 

  • What time?

  • Who can we invite? Do we need to make invitations?

  • Do we need to produce a programme for the concert, for the audience?

  • How are we going to arrange ourselves/ the audience?

Music is all about learning, having fun and sharing. So let's look forward to the excitement of performing for our friends and family and be the very best we can be!


National Curriculum Music: Subject Content applicable for this term

  • play and perform in solo and ensemble contexts, using their voices and playing musical instruments with increasing accuracy, fluency, control and expression


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