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'German Dance'

  • It seems like every instrument IN THE WORLD has an arrangement of this for why shouldn't we?!

  • It is arranged so that you only use the second finger/ fret on the E (2nd) and C (3rd) strings; together with open strings elsewhere. It looks tricky but it's not soooooooo bad - honest!

  • I've included the chords for an accompaniment.

  • If you would like to use alternative, 'violin/string style' fingering to play this piece then please Click here...

The Chords


Alternative Fingering:


A E2 E2  |G E E  |C2 E E2 G|A A A  |


A E2 E2  |G E E  |C2 E2 A A|E2     |


E E E E|E E2 G  |E2 E2 E2 E2|E2 G A  |


A E2 E2  |G E E  |C2 E2 A A|C2     ||









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