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Next, try to clap these patterns or 'Rhythms'... Example 1. Example 2. Example 3. Example 4. Are you getting any good at these 'crotchet' and 'quaver' rhythms? Why not try your luck at 'The Rhythm Sound Match Quiz!?' Click here to give it a go - it's not easy! You did okay?! Well give 'Stage 2' a go! 'The Rhythm Sound Match Quiz 2!?' Click here to have a go at Stage 2 It's a challenge! If you want to try adding some words to these rhythms then try this Fruit Rhythm Poster for some extra help! There is a Fruit Ostinato worksheet available to help you compose your own Fruit Rhythms and Ostinato. Please Click Here... Next, try writing your own rhythms on your specially folded paper..
....BUUUUUTT...there are a few 'rules!' You may choose a Crotchet or Quavers for a box, BUUUUUUUUTTTT DO NOT TRY AND PUT TWO TOGETHER IN ONE BOX!!
If you want to use a minim it can be placed in any box BUT NOT THE LAST ONE on the line. Also DON'T colour minims in..or write another note in the box with the line in!!
When you have written your own Rhythm example, try clapping it and saying the helpful words to get the rhythm right.
Try these longer examples, including minims!
Example 1.
Example 2.
Example 3.
Example 4.
How about tryiing these examples with crotchet rests in them? Remember to throw your hands apart when you get to the crotchet rests in the examples. Example 1.
Example 2.
Example 3.
Example 4. Writing Minims...more rules! Minims take up two boxes on our 4 x 2 grid because they last for two beats. So you need to take a little care where you place them!
And PLEASE DON'T colour them in!
Now try these examples; Ex.1
Try clapping these examples! Remember semiquavers are FAST!
All music notes form a fitting pyramid of fractions, a little like the pizza when you're first learning fractions in maths.
Take a look at the picture below to see how it works...
can you choose the correct rhythm after listening to it? 2) Rhythm Yes/ No - The rhythm plays, but is it the same as the pattern printed? Yes or No?
Worksheets and writing notes down... Worksheets.. 1) To practise crotchet and quaver, 4 beat rhythms - fold an A4 page length ways, tear in half. Fold that in half, then half again. 4x1 page
2) To practise crotchet, quaver and minim rhythms - fold an A4 page in half, fold it in half again, then fold it down. 4x2 page
3) To practise crotchet, quaver, semibreve and semi quaver rhythms - Fold an A4 page length ways, tear in half. Fold that in half, then half again AND half again! Finally fold it down. 8x2 page (You may find it useful to line the folds for better clarification between the boxes/ beats )
If you would prefer a printed grid then please click on the image below...
Writing notes down... 1) All notes are basically 'rugby ball' or oval shape, not circles. Please click on the image for a full scale view.
If you now would like to learn to read pitch notation in the treble clef then
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