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'Walk, Running, Walk'


  • This piece is so called because of the rhythm that you are going to play the open strings in.

  • There are a few steps before we play to learning this piece...




Try saying the words:

"Walk, running, walk.

Walk, running, walk

Walk, running, walk

running, running, walk"


Now try clapping the rhythm AND saying the words:


"Walk, running, walk.

Walk, running, walk

Walk, running, walk

running, running, walk"


We could write it down in music notes. It would look like this

  "Walk, running, walk.


  Walk, running, walk


  Walk, running, walk


  running, running, walk"

Now to play the piece on your ukulele simply transfer the rhythm/ words to your strings!


G          |        |        |GG GG G  :||

C          |        |C CC C  |         :||

E          |E EE E  |        |         :||

A AA A  |        |        |         :||


Play this through 4 times...then take a breather! Then play it through 4 more times to finish!


Hope you enjoy 'Walk, Running, Walk' almost as much as Phoebe enjoys HER running!










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