Dongé Farm is a layout within a Brie Box. These are quite flimsy in construction so a lot of supporting was done to enable the layout to work effectively.

The initial idea for the layout was started simply by the gift of pigs! I kid you not! Soon followed by N Gauge hens - they were tiny in white metal and needing painting...and of course they needed a home...

Only two buildings (and a couple of garages!) but well made and painted carefully they look the part.

The Blurb
'Dongé Farm' is a 'pizza layout' in a circular French brie box. It features some innovative 'electrickery' as well as a detailed farm scene with chickens, cows, pigs, horse and woodland animals. There is plenty of story action to pull you in as well as the limited commissioned bus model narrowly missing a non-'fantastic' mammal!'
Part 1 of the build video with scenics is on YouTube...
Part 2 of the build video with buildings is on YouTube...
Part 3 of the build video with all sorts of electronic stuff is on YouTube...