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'How to Play the Ukulele'

  • You can use a plectrum to play...

  • ...or you can use your thumb at first!


Using a Plectrum

A plectrum,or pick, is a small triangular shaped piece of plastic that is used to make the strings sound.

You hold the plectrum in your fingers and drop your hand down over the strings with the tip of the plectrum dropping through the strings making them vibrate.

Holding the plectrum...

...make sure the pointy bit of the triangle is clear of the fingers!


Down through the strings...

...with just the tip of the triangle dropping through the strings.


Seated playing position using a plectrum...

...nice and tall, feet flat, hand at the top, and plectrum held tight!

Well done Miss L !


Using your thumb to play: The 'Flying Thumb'

The Flying Thumb is used for strumming all four strings of your ukulele in pieces like '1,2,3 Shush!'

It is a free-flowing, unattached downwards movement.

You should try and strum near the end of the finger board, over the sound hole...

Flying thumb at the top of the strum...


...and at the end.


The Held Thumb...

The Held Thumb is used for playing tunes on a single string like 'All Elephants.'

Use your fingers to hold onto the ukulele and you thumb to play the single strings needed for the tune...

Held Thumb playing the A string...




You can also use your first finger nail to play the ukulele...

                                     [To follow...]








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