This music was famously used in the film
'The Blues Brothers' but originally comes from a
television series,
of the same name, from the early 1960's
It consists of a bass line and a solo
(Brass) line. Let's look at the bass line first...
Practise Tempo...
Performance Tempo...
Next, the solo (Brass) line...a little
trickier this one!
Practise Tempo...
Performance Tempo...
Now! What you need is a friend! If one of
you can play the Bass line...then you could play the solo line over
the top!
In case you can't find any willing friends,
try playing over the top of the backing track below!
You can choose whether to play the bass line
- come in after the first, four cymbal crashes...
Or play the solo (Brass) line - come in
after the second, four cymbal crashes.
Play the whole thing twice and ENJOY!
Performance Backing Track...
If you have some more friends perhaps they could
simply play a chord of Em, twice to match the start of the bass line,
and repeat this for an easy alternative accompaniment?