Tuning your ukulele...
As well as using your mobile devices there are also convenient clip on tuners. These come in many different styles but basically do the same thing - they clip on to the headstock of your instrument and detect the vibrations of sound through a piezo pickup within the clip. My favourite model is the Clippon Clip on tuner .Light and tunes a multitude of instruments in different keys. Just be sure to keep it set to A4 440 setting on the display. This number represents the frequency of the 'A' being tuned in hertz. If its set wrongly by accident you may find yourself falling out with the others in your band! A few
helpful pointers...
Whenever you're tuning your
strings turn the peg slowly as you pluck the string
Make sure you know the name of
the string you are trying to tune. If your ukulele is very out of tune,
or brand new, it may take some time to tension the string enough to
reach this note on your tuner.
Your strings will go out of
tune naturally. It doesn't mean there is anything 'wrong' with your
instrument. Do make sure that you start each playing session with the
instrument in tune - it will help enormously!
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