Backing track
Lesson Sheet


Wonderful Tonight (intro) - Eric Clapton

  • This is a fairly straight forward piece to first.

  • To progress and stretch yourself why not try keeping the whole introduction on the E string...

  • ...also try bending the B note (A string, second fret/ E string, 6 fret) at the start of each phrase or section.

  • Eric Clapton really goes to town on the last note in the penultimate bar and bends it in a HOOGE way! Why don't you try that by bending up from the 11th fret on the E string for the same note?

  • The backing trck above has all these more advanced ideas on it if you listen carefully.

  • The track below the music is for you to play along with Eric if you fancy that?! Enjoy!


Play along with Eric...
Backing Track




Click here to learn more about Eric Clapton...








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