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Scaling the Heights

  • Have you already done the lesson - 'Pentatonic Mountain?' then you're more than ready for this!

  • We are going to learn the scale of C Major on the ukulele

  • A scale is a series of notes from one note to another, usually 8 notes (an 'Octave' ) or more away from each other.


The scale of C

Can you play up with MrC? Press play to find out...

But what goes up...must come down!

Can you play down with MrC? Press play to find out...


Now, how about the whole scale ascending and descending, going up AND down?!

Can you play the entire scale with MrC? Press play to find out...


  • You can use scales for all sorts of things:

    • Warming up

    • Improving finger speed

    • Composing your own music

    • Learning the notes on your instrument

    • Being more accurate with your fingers

    • Playing more evenly in time to a beat

    • and making your fingers STRONG!

Composing using the C Scale

Hints and Tips...

· Repetition is good!

· Do your sums! Make sure each bar adds up to 4 beats

· Don’t try and use EVERY single note

· Note which notes on which strings are good to use

· Start on ‘C’ and end on ‘C’

· Look at the example through it.

Can you see where the above ideas are used in it? 

To write your own composition using the scale of C why not download the handy worksheet?
Click on the image to the right...


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