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Backing track

Lesson Sheet

[ There is a YouTube Tutorial for this piece]

'Take a Peep-a!'


  • This is an open strings piece featuring an amazing Chinese instrument called the 'Pipa' (pronounced 'Peep-a.')

  • To play 'Take a Peep-a' you will need to first play your A string (String number 1) two times followed by a "shush, shush" - like we did in '1, 2, 3 Shush!'

  • Keep on the same string until you hear the nice man on the computer count to 4. then you should change to the next string up...and so on until you reach the end of the backing track.

  • If you would like a copy of the music notes then please press 'Download Lesson Sheet' above.

  • To learn more about the amazing 'Pipa' watch the video below!



(Click here for no YouTube)


1:47 - techniques / 4:31 - 'Dance of the E Tribe'





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